Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Santa Claus Comes to Town

My Family and Friends!

What a crazy, awesome week! I feel like I'm going to say that a lot more times before I finish my mission. But it's true every week! I can't believe I really deserve the privilege of serving a mission for my Lord. It truly is a blessing.

Thursday, August 25, 2016
CHRISTMAS!!! Starting in my nutty district, the idea spread that, since this was our last 25th in the MTC, it was to be made a Christmas Celebration. I'll let the pictures help you understand the full magnitude of our celebration, but suffice it to say that it was spectacular. We went caroling around our building at 6:30 to wake up our new elders, had a zone-wide secret Santa exchange, and just a "jolly good time."

Caroling in the 6:30am

Friday, August 26, 2016
A few of the people in our building have taken exception to the excessive amount of physical exercise that the MURPH (insane physical fitness program they have been doing) has been imposing on them, and have formed a rival club named "The Weenie Hut Generals Club." Those opposed to the MURPH protest by lounging around, and hanging up sheets in the bathroom after turning all the showers on hot in order to make a sauna. So make of that what you will. I'm currently an independent, but will probably be forced to choose a side before long. My beloved companion, Elder Potts, has spat upon the values he once held dear, and kicked the dust off his feet before the MURPH. Now he is a WHGC member, I don't know what I am to do. The political strife is very heated, and shall soon turn to mild violence. I fear one must rise, while the other shall fall into darkness.
Not dramatic at all is he? :-) - Allyse
On a serious note, we taught a "less active" member called Chen, who we taught two weeks ago. We had challenged him to go to church, and he managed, taking his family, and praying with them. It made me so happy. And for the first time, it seemed we actually found a need. We are constantly taught to find their needs and teach to them, and he talked about why he didn't understand God giving us such restrictive commandments. We were actually able to help him UNDERSTAND something. And it made me so happy! We also had a practice teaching, but we did it in English. I honestly couldn't talk! I really couldn't. I didn't know how to teach like that!

Saturday, August 27, 2016
One of our teachers quit in order to go to BYU, so surprise, we had already taught her our last lesson. Ah! I don't like not teaching them more! It's interesting to know for a fact that anyone you come in contact with for a moment is meant to teach you something. 
"What do we say about coincidences?"
"The universe is rarely so lazy."
Yes, that was a Sherlock quote, but it applies, in that absolutely everything that happens is according to God's plan. It makes me wonder if I do all the things for people God has planned for me. If I served the people he put in my path that day. 
Someone hijacked my camera and took pictures of Elder Meanea in his natural environment.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
So, I became our district leader today, and I had a great interview with Brother Suoyo. We talked about how I needed to study as much as I could here, because it's like a spiritual fuel-up before I fly off into the world of the eternally busy missionary. I spent a lot of time praying, because suddenly I had a new trust from God to take care of my district, to minister to them, find their needs, and bring them closer to Christ. I believe God did this so I can learn, and also serve. It makes me want to be more and more like the Savior. I would encourage you to really study Christ-like attributes. God makes so many true promises to us if we strive to be like Christ. I have a new goal to have a 24-hour smile, because then I can try to be more and more like Christ. That is the key to missionary service, and least for me. Become like Christ. I said it my whole life until now, but I never realized what it actually meant. It's also a commandment. It's amazing what we find when we humbly study and look for answers.

Monday, August 29, 2016
Our world got thrown in a blender today. Since our teacher quit, we moved buildings and joined with a whole other district today. Our last two weeks is going to throw us back out of the little comfort zone we had built, but that's a good thing! TRC with a Li JM. (Jiemei, means sister) She is a single mom who just received her endowments from Taiwan, has two daughters and a son, one of which is on a mission, and she basically taught us. We asked her to share her experiences on prayer, and while I couldn't understand a lot, I could feel her dedication, and her humble faith in the Lord and His plan. 
Elder Meanea's classroom
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
The President of the 70 gave our devotional today, and the choir sang "Faith of our Father." I always love singing because it helps me internalize the things God is trying to teach me every day. We also got our Chinese tags today! We won't use them in the field, but they're tags with our Chinese characters on them. It's hard to stay focused with two weeks left in the MTC, but I know as long as I allow it, God will continue to teach me. WE ALSO GET FLIGHT PLANS ON FRIDAY! But also focus, yes.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
We had a mix-up, so I only got to do part of the names I wanted to in the temple, but they were the Father and his two sons I talked about last week. And it gives me such great joy to know that their family is drawing closer and closer to salvation. It's been a great week family, with only one more coming from the MTC. Every day God teaches me and allows me to make mistakes, and I know He's preparing me to be the missionary He needs me to be. I love you all! August

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