Wednesday, September 7, 2016


This is a super exciting week for Elder Meanea because his 9 week MTC stay is finally coming to an end! We found out today that Elder Meanea will be flying out of Salt Lake airport on this next Tuesday morning, have a short layover in San Francisco, and then fly out to Taiwan. He should arrive in Taiwan around 6:30pm on Wednesday (Taiwan time). We are so excited for him!

My dear friend and Family!

Another spectacular week of learning, loving, and trying to draw neared to our beloved Tianfu (Father in Heaven).

Thursday, September 1, 2016
Some days are hard. Leaving so soon, my district and I are finding it hard to focus. We're almost in the field! After nearly two months of missionary service, we finally get to go! But we just have to internalize that if we're still at the MTC, God has something for us to learn. So it is with any situation in life. When I was with the PJ's in New Mexico, one of their mottos was "The Mission isn't over until the Next one starts." It's the same with life. God expects us to learn all we can, and once we have, he'll give us another challenge, another blessing, allow some struggle, build our faith. 

Friday, September 2, 2016
Today I read in 3 Nephi about Christ's visit to the Americas. As I read, I felt the gentle nudging of the Spirit telling me that what I was reading was true. And it was the most important truth I could know and share. We had a lesson with Ding, the one whose husband opposes the church, and I felt really good testifying to her that God would help her convince her husband to let her be baptized. We've been praying for her every day, and will find out today how that went. I know God sees and knows the situation of all His children.

Saturday, September 3, 2016
I had a special blessing today. I was made District Leader last week, and this was my first day doing interviews, which happen on a weekly basis. I really wanted to help them, wanted to so badly, and I prayed God would help me love them. During each of the seven interviews I did, I felt the Spirit speak to them through me in each one, tell me things that they needed to hear. Afterwards, when I was thanking Heavenly Father, I realized that He was showing me what being like the Savior is like. I realized that each interview was almost a mini lesson, taught exactly as they teach us. Find the needs, testify, use scripture, and it happened because I wanted to love them all better. When we ask God to help us love His Children, he will give us of His own love, and we will know exactly what it is He wants us to do. 
Our classroom
Sunday, September 4, 2016
Funny story: I was released today as District Leader. I was slightly confused at first, but there are multiple reasons. We had that class and district swap last week, so they merged our districts and gave us one new leader. I personally like to think that it was also because I tried hard and learned what God wanted me to learn. I don't know for sure, and if I did it's only through His help and guidance, and not my own "spirituality," but it gives me some comfort to think that might have been the case. We had a devotional with Chad Lewis. He was a football player for the Eagles, and served in my mission years and years ago! We got to go and talk to him after, which was pretty awesome. Just makes me want to go to Taiwan more!! In our morning Mission Conference the mission president and his wife that were in the Belgium attacks spoke to us about Faith and testimony. If you don't think that was amazing, get your left ear cleaned out.

Monday, September 5, 2016
We had our final Skype TRC before we actually TRC in Taiwan. It was with a young man named Deng. He really liked meeting with us. And every thing we do reminds me that these are real people with real problems, and I have to rely on the Spirit more than anything to teach. 

I got a Howler from my family!
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
If Christ could be at every door I knock on, He would be. He suffered for us so much, and chooses to love everyone despite all the mistakes they have and will make. It makes me wonder what people will see when they open the door. I want them to see Christ. I'm somehow trusted to be His representative, and that means also representing His love. I don't want there to be a difference between me standing there and Christ standing there. Those are just some thoughts that came from our Devotional with D Todd Christofferson. It was pretty good. ;-)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016
I did a sealing for an ancestor in the temple today, sealed him to his parents, and it was beautiful to see so many children linked with their parents eternally. No one will be lost. God won't allow it. Everyone will have the chance to have their eternal families. What really got me today was my little Sister. The family card I had was stamped with a date it was printed. It was May 2, 2013. I knew it was my sisters birthday, so I did some quick math, and figured out it was her 12th. I remembered all she wanted to do was visit the temple for the first time. And we did. So that card must have come from preparing for that day. She realized long before I did what a sacred place the temple is, and what a special and important work we have to do in there. God allows us to do amazing things, and she could see it. It took me a long time to appreciate the temple as much as my little sister did years ago. Thank you Emily.

I love you all so much. I suppose I may get to send a short email when I hit Taiwan at 6:30 PM on Wednesday, Taiwan time. But if not, stay safe, and close to the Lord. It's the only place to be.

-Zhang Lao Meanea

We will soon be leaving the MTC behind! Next stop...TAIWAN!

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