Monday, December 26, 2016

26 December 2016 - Christmas of the Aliens!!!

Hello everyone! So sorry that I have kind of been slacking on putting Elder Meanea's letters on the blog the last few weeks, it has been a crazy time of life! But here is his letter from this past week and in the next couple of days I will have the previous ones up. He is doing great and had a wonderful Christmas. We were so grateful to be able to Skype with him yesterday. He looks so good and has grown so much spiritually but is definitely still our wonderful Tayson :-) Now, on to Elder Meanea's letter for the week...

Hello my dear friends and family! What a week it has been here in Beitun. I really enjoy having Elder Burge as a companion. He's a great example of a motivated missionary, and we've been having a lot of craziness and fun together.

Monday, 19 December 2016
A P-day of survival and skillful fish eating. We finished up emailing, then had to run to a nearby restaurant where our Bishop was feeding us and an investigator. Restaurant type: Sushi Bar. Oh Good. Elder Burge prepared me for it by saying last time him and his companion barely survived. So I knew it was going to be delicious. I snuck off into the bathroom first, and I kid you not in saying I prayed not to throw up at the Bishop's meal. I've gotten a bit used to fish, but not THAT used to it. It was a tender mercy that I was able to choke down the required 10 plates of sushi. It was actually really cool, because the tables all had a conveyor belt that ran by them and they just unceasingly carried sushi plates past that you could grab.

Then we took a bike ride down to the Taichung National Theatre. It was really cool! There are some pictures this week that will help explain it better than I could, just suffice it to say I saw a $1000 copy of "Les Miserables" that I was exceedingly tempted to buy. ;-)

That night we actually had two first lessons with people we called the day before and set up. The first was...interesting. His name was Chen. I lead a first lesson about the Restoration, and it seemed to be going alright, but then I noticed about halfway through talking about the First Vision, there were tears starting to well in his eyes. I kind of glanced at Elder Burge, asking what I should do, and he just shrugged, so we kept teaching. And soon the tears started falling. Finally we got to the end of the lesson and were talking to him about praying, and he just stood up and said, "I have something I need to go to," and we barely had time to say a prayer before he ran out. We barely had time to look at each other and shrug before our next lesson showed up. He was actually cool. He was named Jeff, and he was really interested in our extra scriptures, so we'll see how he hangs on.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Zone Conference! We took a bus to Daya, a place near Taichung to a really nice chapel where the conference was being held. It was great to see President Teh and Sister Teh again. I also got to see Elder Jones and Elder Vanslooten for the first time since we left the MTC. I've seen everybody from my district on the island now. We had a great devotional about the Savior, and how, without an Easter, there wouldn't be a Christmas. It took me a minute to think about that one. Then there was a really fun musical program. We have a LOT of talented people in this mission. One really fun thing I realized today was that the English program we do here is more than just a clever way to get people into the Chapel. This is actually something that can help these people in life, and we are simply serving them, and helping them, without the promise of baptisms or investigators. It gave me a really cool new outlook on the work we do here, and how much loving the people, truly loving them, is central to all we do. 

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

We met with our new, helpful friend Eddy from the ward, and talked to him about helping less actives get back to church. It's really nice that he's so excited to have the missionaries help out with the ward. Then we met with our friend Johnny again. He's really, really quiet, and doesn't like to talk very much. He's nice though, and listens. We'll just have to figure out if he actually wanted to hear our message, or is just in awe of the super shuai (handsome) missionaries. We also met with Jeff again, who really enjoyed the plan of Salvation. It was such a blessing to teach him, and it really helped me to realize how much this plan means to me, because I told him without it, I wouldn't be able to have my amazing family after this life. It was amazing to feel how true this plan was for me, and to realize how many people don't have the hope that I have. 

Thursday, 22 December 2016

We had an early start today. We had to get to the chapel so Elder Burge could do an interview for Chen Baba. He is the last of three in his family to get baptized, and has worked as an undercover cop for many years. The interview sounds like it went amazingly well. He really sees what the Gospel has done for him, and the kind of peace that really coming to know Christ brings into your life. It was really cool that night. We had a plan to go tracting, but Elder Burge said he felt like we should go talk to people on the street. So we went, and we found two really cool guys! And they were really interested in the Book of Mormon and our message. It was a really cool experience of being guided on what to do. That night I was also riding my bike, and I said "hi" to a guy who pulled up behind me. He said "How's it going?" in English. I was a bit stunned, so after I picked my jaw up off the ground, I asked if he had a minute to talk. HE SAID YES. NO ONE SAYS YES. He actually lived in Utah as an exchange student for a while, and wanted to hear more! It was a little Christmas miracle.

Friday, 23 December 2016
Weekly planning! Not much there. We just contacted the rest of the night, but we did eat lunch with a member who is Elder Burge's friend, and he helped me find a kid called Liam on his Facebook. I met Liam in Yellowstone in July, and told him I'd find him somehow. SO that was really a cool blessing!

Saturday, 24 December 2016
The Zone Leaders treated us to a local hot pot. Well, we paid too, but it was sanctioned by them. We had a good time eating three cows worth of meat (per person) and just laughing and relaxing for a little bit. Then we went to the park and found a "nice" guy. He wanted to go to a 7-11 to hear our message. I only learned afterwards, but he was totally nuts. We got in and he said, "You know what the world's problem is? Pollution! And Weapons!" And then he told us we didn't need a Savior because aliens were going to come to save us from the pollution... xD So...Christmas Miracle that we got away with out getting taken by a UFO? Then our ward had a cool little Christmas party that Johnny showed up to! 

Sunday, 25 December 2016
We had a combined sacrament today. It was pretty good, but Elder Burge Skyped this morning with his family, so it was a little hard to pay attention. Then we met with our RC Matthew. He hadn't been coming to church, and it turns out his parents are a bit against him meeting with missionaries still, but Elder Burge really did well in helping him out. It was cool to see how much he really cared for him. Then we went out contacting and met a retired Colonel who was playing a Gourd flute. That's probably my next purchase here. He was cool and might come to English class. And then we went home and played a bit of ping pong at a table in our building's basement to finish celebrating Christmas. (After daily planning, of course.)

It really has been an incredible and fun week. I'm so grateful to be serving the Savior during HIS time here. I miss my family. I do. But I'm glad I'm here. And I hope we'll all remember the wise men this year as Christmas passes behind us. They saw the star, and Christmas was long over, but they kept coming to Christ, it didn't matter the season. Don't let Christmas end on the 26th, when the party is over and everyone else leaves it behind. Remember Christ always, because He'll never forget you.

Elder Meanea

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