Monday, December 19, 2016

19 December 2016 - New Area!

Hello my amazing friends and family! It has been a new week here in the Taichung part of our mission, with a lot of miracles and a lot of change! I'll let the rest of my letter tell the story.

Monday, 12 Dec 2016

I moved! Ended up in Beitun Ward with Elder Burge! He is a really awesome guy, and a really dedicated missionary. We spent the night hitting the streets and seeing if anyone wanted to hear about the amazing Gospel of Jesus Christ. I'm really excited for this new area!

Elder Meanea and his new companion Elder Burge
Tuesday, 13 Dec 2016
We met with a contact named Wu. He was really cool and interested in the church, but he ended up living in a different area, so we had to give him away. Right off the Spirit was helping Elder Burge and I teach with each other in harmony, and really let this investigator feel our testimonies. I really know it's only through the Holy Ghost that this work goes forth. Any other way would fail miserably. It's a real comfort to see Heavenly Father watching out for me all the time, and truly providing ways for me to serve. Later that night we met with a really prepared man named Douglas, who was blown away by the concept of missionaries like us, and was truly open to receiving an answer from Heavenly Father if this is His true church or not. BUT HE LIVES IN A DIFFERENT AREA! Even though we won't be the ones to teach these people, it is truly an honor to be able to bring them closer to Heavenly Father in any way.

Wednesday, 14 Dec 2016
We were out contacting today when the assistants called us saying that a guy at the church was looking for the Beitun Elders. We thought it was an old investigator who just got out of jail maybe (long story) but it ended up being some random guy. He just wanted to learn about the church. So we taught him about prayer and invited him to come on Sunday. I love seeing the ways that when we are doing what we're supposed to, where we're supposed to be, God will always give us something good to do.

Thursday, 15 Dec 2016
Elder Burge led his first District Training Meeting! It went really well, and it was fun to meet all the missionaries in our district. The best part of the day was praying right before we went out on the streets to go contacting. I just had the greatest feeling that Heavenly Father was preparing people for us, and we went out and really tried to talk to everyone. Low and behold, we ran into three people who had members of their family who were members, and exchanged numbers with us so that we could get in contact with them later. There are just small things like that all the time that show me that there is never a time when any of us are on our own. Prayer is such a powerful and real thing. I know it truly is communication with God. And we all can speak with Him. And He wants to speak with us.

Friday, 16 Dec 2016
I attended a missionary correlation meeting! We just had a mission leader in my last area, so this was new! It was cool to talk about how the ward missionaries could really help us do the work here and help our ward grow. It was also pretty funny, we were making calls earlier that day, and a kid we contacted at a park earlier, named Johhny, answered the phone. He was talking really fast, and when I said I was that missionary, he said, "Oh sorry, I speak Taiyu." Which is Taiwanese. I shook my head, what a lame cop-out. So I said the only sentence I know in Taiyu, which is "Could you say that again?" He paused for a couple seconds, then switched back to Chinese, and said he could meet the next day. Got 'im! Thank you Elder Gasser!

Saturday, 17 Dec 2016
Again, just walking around hoping to share with people, we found a girl who had great English who studied in London for 6 years. She said she really wanted to come to church next week, and she had a friend who just got an English boyfriend, but the guy doesn't speak any Chinese, so he needs friends, therefore she is going to bring them all to our English class! Cool miracles all around! Another miracle, we were so sure Johnny wasn't going to show up, but he did! We had a good lesson and he said he'd come to church the next day. Another lesson that night didn't show up, so we ate some leftover pizza at the chapel.

Sunday, 18 Dec 2016
I was worried because I heard this ward wasn't too keen on missionaries, having had some bad experiences. They were pretty good though! Like, nobody tried to stone me, which is obviously nice. I bore my testimony about how we're all disciples of Christ, and then a guy came up after and said he wanted to work with us to help the ward. Just some random member, and apparently Elder Burge said they've been praying for some help with the ward, and suddenly this guy pops up!

So yes, it has been an absolutely awesome week full of true miracles in the life of a missionary. I hope we're all staying close to God, and that I never fail to recognize Him for all the blessings, seen and unseen, He gives me. I love you all so much!

-Elder Meanea

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