Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Santa Claus Comes to Town

My Family and Friends!

What a crazy, awesome week! I feel like I'm going to say that a lot more times before I finish my mission. But it's true every week! I can't believe I really deserve the privilege of serving a mission for my Lord. It truly is a blessing.

Thursday, August 25, 2016
CHRISTMAS!!! Starting in my nutty district, the idea spread that, since this was our last 25th in the MTC, it was to be made a Christmas Celebration. I'll let the pictures help you understand the full magnitude of our celebration, but suffice it to say that it was spectacular. We went caroling around our building at 6:30 to wake up our new elders, had a zone-wide secret Santa exchange, and just a "jolly good time."

Caroling in the 6:30am

Friday, August 26, 2016
A few of the people in our building have taken exception to the excessive amount of physical exercise that the MURPH (insane physical fitness program they have been doing) has been imposing on them, and have formed a rival club named "The Weenie Hut Generals Club." Those opposed to the MURPH protest by lounging around, and hanging up sheets in the bathroom after turning all the showers on hot in order to make a sauna. So make of that what you will. I'm currently an independent, but will probably be forced to choose a side before long. My beloved companion, Elder Potts, has spat upon the values he once held dear, and kicked the dust off his feet before the MURPH. Now he is a WHGC member, I don't know what I am to do. The political strife is very heated, and shall soon turn to mild violence. I fear one must rise, while the other shall fall into darkness.
Not dramatic at all is he? :-) - Allyse
On a serious note, we taught a "less active" member called Chen, who we taught two weeks ago. We had challenged him to go to church, and he managed, taking his family, and praying with them. It made me so happy. And for the first time, it seemed we actually found a need. We are constantly taught to find their needs and teach to them, and he talked about why he didn't understand God giving us such restrictive commandments. We were actually able to help him UNDERSTAND something. And it made me so happy! We also had a practice teaching, but we did it in English. I honestly couldn't talk! I really couldn't. I didn't know how to teach like that!

Saturday, August 27, 2016
One of our teachers quit in order to go to BYU, so surprise, we had already taught her our last lesson. Ah! I don't like not teaching them more! It's interesting to know for a fact that anyone you come in contact with for a moment is meant to teach you something. 
"What do we say about coincidences?"
"The universe is rarely so lazy."
Yes, that was a Sherlock quote, but it applies, in that absolutely everything that happens is according to God's plan. It makes me wonder if I do all the things for people God has planned for me. If I served the people he put in my path that day. 
Someone hijacked my camera and took pictures of Elder Meanea in his natural environment.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
So, I became our district leader today, and I had a great interview with Brother Suoyo. We talked about how I needed to study as much as I could here, because it's like a spiritual fuel-up before I fly off into the world of the eternally busy missionary. I spent a lot of time praying, because suddenly I had a new trust from God to take care of my district, to minister to them, find their needs, and bring them closer to Christ. I believe God did this so I can learn, and also serve. It makes me want to be more and more like the Savior. I would encourage you to really study Christ-like attributes. God makes so many true promises to us if we strive to be like Christ. I have a new goal to have a 24-hour smile, because then I can try to be more and more like Christ. That is the key to missionary service, and least for me. Become like Christ. I said it my whole life until now, but I never realized what it actually meant. It's also a commandment. It's amazing what we find when we humbly study and look for answers.

Monday, August 29, 2016
Our world got thrown in a blender today. Since our teacher quit, we moved buildings and joined with a whole other district today. Our last two weeks is going to throw us back out of the little comfort zone we had built, but that's a good thing! TRC with a Li JM. (Jiemei, means sister) She is a single mom who just received her endowments from Taiwan, has two daughters and a son, one of which is on a mission, and she basically taught us. We asked her to share her experiences on prayer, and while I couldn't understand a lot, I could feel her dedication, and her humble faith in the Lord and His plan. 
Elder Meanea's classroom
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
The President of the 70 gave our devotional today, and the choir sang "Faith of our Father." I always love singing because it helps me internalize the things God is trying to teach me every day. We also got our Chinese tags today! We won't use them in the field, but they're tags with our Chinese characters on them. It's hard to stay focused with two weeks left in the MTC, but I know as long as I allow it, God will continue to teach me. WE ALSO GET FLIGHT PLANS ON FRIDAY! But also focus, yes.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
We had a mix-up, so I only got to do part of the names I wanted to in the temple, but they were the Father and his two sons I talked about last week. And it gives me such great joy to know that their family is drawing closer and closer to salvation. It's been a great week family, with only one more coming from the MTC. Every day God teaches me and allows me to make mistakes, and I know He's preparing me to be the missionary He needs me to be. I love you all! August

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Chastening, Inspiration, and the Faith to Believe

My amazing family and friends! I don't know how, but every week brings more and more blessings I don't know how I deserve. In 6 short weeks, I don't exaggerate in saying my life has truly been changed forever. And I look forward to 16 more 6 week periods!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
I finished emailing and I went back to class. We had an alright lesson, and then we had a class about asking inspired questions. I was paired up with Elder Van Slootten, and our teacher told us to really think of a need, and the other missionary would start teaching. NO INDICATION whatsoever of the need the other person had picked. We began, and I was first, I thought for a few moments, and not of my own volition chose to ask him if he understood why he has trials. He looked surprised, and we continued our lesson for a little bit, then the teacher told us to switch. We evaluated, and he told the teacher that my question directly answered the need he had picked, this fake investigator with an invented need and God directed me to know exactly what to say. Why? Because I was willing to listen. This is not an extolling of my own righteous virtues, it is a testimony of our all-powerful, all-loving Tianfu, who never forgets our tiny lives for a single moment. When I came to know this, he provided me with such strength as I never before had felt. We switched, I said a little prayer to know what need I should pick, and it came to my mind that "my wife and I fight a lot." Seconds later, without previous dialogue, Elder Van Slooten asked me how my family relationships were.

Thursday, August 18, 2016
Today was a very important day for me. It was my day of the Lord's tender chastening. Today was our last day teaching Zhou. Our teacher, Sun, promised to tell us about this man. We all sat and listened as he described the exact same Zhou that he had portrayed, tired, disinterested, didn't really progress at all. And then he said they got him to be baptized. How? He said that one day his companion and him decided to go, pray with Zhou, and wait for him to receive his answer, having faith that he would. After the prayer they helped him prepare and after a few minutes of silence, he declared that he had received his answer and wanted to be baptized. I say this because remember the lesson I thought was going to go amazing, then didn't? I said I didn't know why and might never know. Now I knew. That same day of the supposed-to-be amazing lesson, I had a very strong and vivid prompting that we should pray with Zhou during the lesson, and wait with him to receive an answer. When it came to the lesson, I felt awkward, thought it wasn't a good time, and chose to ignore the prompting I had. You can imagine the heartbreak I felt. I was truly devastated. I'm not just saying that. The Lord had told me for a fact through this teacher that I had ignored a special prompting from the Holy Ghost that would have helped this man come to Christ. Now, as you read this, don't feel bad for me. I'm not saying I'm an evil sinner either. I just feel that this is a very, very important thing to share. I had a lot to make up to the Lord, and I feel like I've been able to make it right with him. But it makes me eternally grateful for the atonement, and the second chances it gives us. And thirds, and fourths... I love the Savior and his Atonement. I know he did what he did for me, and for everyone I'll teach. And I will never deny the Spirit again. 
We've decided that it is Christmas tomorrow, are giving each other secret santas, and we have a santa suit.
Friday, August 19, 2016
The Lord's mercies never end. We had a substitute today, and a class called "Demonstrate Teaching." We all enjoy it because we're the observers as the teachers "Demonstrate teaching." I volunteered to be the investigator, and he was teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No play-acting. Just me. I didn't really expect anything, but afterward the teacher described how he was directed to change his teaching to fit my need. And this was the day after my chastening, I felt very very weak and foolish before the Lord, and he began discussing how, if I had faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, it not only gave me forgiveness, but could heal my heart as well.

Saturday, August 20, 2016
We had our last in-person TRC, which went fairly well. It always impresses me so that the Spirit is the teacher. If I do it right, me and my abilities have absolutely nothing to do with the success of them feeling the Spirit.
Building our Christmas tree.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
I know I say this every time, but it's so true. Now that I have nothing to do but "Church-stuff", the Sabbath Day "Church-stuff" is absolutely the best. About a third of our branch is moving out to Taiwan Taipei on Tuesday morning, so they sang a beautiful number for sacrament meeting. And in preparing my talk for Sunday, I had some cool thoughts. It was about the Book of Mormon, and as I read, I realized that missionaries and the Book of Mormon are a lot alike. I don't know where, but some scripture says that they wished they were mighty in writing like unto speaking, because if they could speak, it were not possible that any man could not believe. We stand in proxy for the ancient prophets. We are their voices, the ones who sacrificed and labored to bring this work about in our day. They can't speak, so God called us to be their voices. And just as the Book of Mormon is a testament of Jesus Christ, so do we testify of Christ. Also, the Nashville tribute band came back today, second time in five weeks. We sang again, and it was "pretty sweet."

Monday, August 22, 2016
Sorry if you all want to hear more about the things I do, the fun stuff that happens. I try to include it, but more and more my "small plates" are the only things that are important to me. But today we did our first Skype TRC. We tried two people who didn't answer, and I'm pretty sure the third one was in a BYU dorm, but we spoke to her in Chinese. The highlight was when we talked about Christ and His example, I could feel the Spirit bear witness through my shoddy Chinese that what I was saying was true.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016
A fun lesson with our new investigator Han. She is a great investigator, and every time I have a lesson, I have to remind myself this is God's work, and He loves them. He won't let my flaws interfere with their feeling the Spirit.
Pre-haircut (Attempted Selfie)
Post haircut!
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Temple day. It was a very special temple day. My family sent me some names they had and some I had prepared before I left. We did initiatories. It was good, and then I got to the three names that I had worked to find before my mission. I knew from finding them that it was a father and two sons. As I started to proxy for them, I imagined the joy that they were experiencing as, one by one, they were getting closer and closer to having their family together eternally. I began to truly feel the joy that they were feeling. I believe that they truly were there in the temple that day, knowing that work was about to be done that would bring them immeasurable joy. These words can't do justice to what I felt, knowing that this family I found was getting this opportunity. Before I came on my mission, I would always look at challenges that missionaries sent home with appreciation, but think to myself that I had stuff to do, and them being on a mission and all their spiritualness forgot that I have a lot of other stuff to do at home. But now I know why they challenged me. It's because they began to feel the love of the Gospel in a way they never had before. And they knew that, if I was willing, I could begin to feel the same love that they did. I don't want to be anywhere else right now. And I challenge you to find these families, that are separated by death, and unite them through the temples God has given us.

I've talked long enough, and I've said much too much. But thank you for reading, and thinking about my challenge. I truly love you all, and may someday learn to write shorter emails. ;-)

Ni Zhang Lao

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Not Elder Holland, And Lots of Change

Toasting (with apple juice) our halfway mark of the MTC
My Beloved Family!

This has been quite the week. I know I say that every week, but it truly has been an amazing one.

Last Wednesday we lost one of our "investigators." She left us a message saying her husband thinks that we're deceivers, and doesn't want us to meet any more. Even though I knew it was part of the role-play (she was actually going to London for two weeks and will be back) it truly broke my heart to think of this happening, as I'm sure it will, in Taiwan.

But things have gotten better, I don't want this to seem like a downer email.

Thursday, August 11, 2016
Every day it's becoming easier and easier to live in God's way. Sometimes it might seem like a mission is "paying my dues" for all the blessings God has given me. But today I was talking with Elder Hansen, from my district, and it occurred to me that it's like Tithing. My life is already the Lord's. When I pay tithing, it sometimes seems like I'm giving something up to Him, but in reality, He takes my small sacrifice, and uses it to bless me 1000 fold in return. Tithing builds temples, through which we receive blessings of eternity. He doesn't take it for Himself. He is the refiner, and He takes our small, raw contribution, and crafts with it eternal and exquisite blessings for each of us. So it is with my mission. It sometimes seems like a sacrifice, but He is truly just taking these two years, crafting them into more blessings than my imperfect and human self could every deserve, and bestowing them back upon me for the rest of my life. Elder Hansen is one who is struggling quite a bit with the language, and worries about it a lot, but he doesn't realize he has some of the strongest faith in our district. Even if he never learned a lick of Chinese, I would want him as my companion in the field so that his Faith could do more than words ever could.

And Elder Councill with all the cardboard he collected building Helms Deep from Lord of the Rings. Somewhere someone has a video of us re-enacting it, but it's best that remains lost. ;-)
Friday, August 12, 2016
I tried so hard all yesterday and today to prepare to teach Zhou. I wanted to leave him with something to remember, and to really help him feel the spirit that this Gospel would bring him. All day I felt like the Spirit guided me so much, and I was so excited. We got there, he had no interest in what we were saying, and we left our testimonies at the end, to no seeming effect. I was devastated. Why had I felt the Spirit so strongly before? I thought I trusted in God, but it seemed to have little effect. I was confused and disheartened. Had I done something wrong? Eventually, I decided that I may never know why something goes wrong, but that through all things, even those I don't understand, I will trust the Lord. He knows, and He WILL NOT, WON'T EVER lead me astray.

Saturday, August 13, 2016
Another great TRC. The brother helped us a lot with our Chinese, and seemed to really enjoy the lesson. We got our review after and he said everything was great! Just work on pronunciation a little. ;-) Today I also learned that I only get one more chance to teach Zhou. Our teacher is quitting (who is our investigator) because it's his second job (60 hrs a week total), and school is going to start so he can't keep it. He is amazing, and we're going to miss him a lot. Another thought that I and Elder Vanslooten had was that Zhou wasn't just some made up investigator, designed to challenge us. I asked our teacher in class, and he confirmed that Zhou was a man he taught on his mission in Taiwan. It makes me love and want to help him all the more.
Today was Elder Meanea's MTC halfway mark so he and his district celebrated with apple juice and blueberry bread.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
As always, simply amazing. I wan't to briefly relate a small miracle that I have experienced here. A few days ago, I had realized that I still needed to make major changes to my attitude in order to start finding the Joy I've been promised in my mission. I started praying to Heavenly Father to change my heart. I wanted to turn outward, like the Savior did, and not worry about myself or my own wants. After I read those talks, I pondered for a long while, and my thoughts turned to daydreaming about home, and the places I love in Cedar, and the people I missed. In the midst of these thoughts, this daydream, I looked out over Cedar City, and suddenly felt as if I didn't want to be there, not in the slightest. It jarred me. I thought I missed home, right? But as I ran over my daydream again, it seemed in my heart that I would loathe to be anywhere besides here, serving the Lord, and on my way to Taiwan. I even went as far as to (foolishly) wonder how I would ever find something as worthwhile as a mission after I had to come home. I realized that the Lord had begun to change my heart. Somehow, through no worthiness of my own, He gently began to shape it with His gentle touch. I know that the Lord heard me, knew what I needed, and began to give me as I desired, which I knew to be right. I also know that He will always hear. And He will always love and help me.

Monday, August 15, 2016
Very much too short a day. We got a new investigator. It was Yang Ming Fang again! But in a different role. Her name is Han. We began to teach her about families and our message concerning them. She seems like she'll be a great investigator!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016
I had an eye opener today. We had a devotional with Sister Oscarson, though rumors had been rampant that Elder Holland was coming. It was great, but what jarred me was when I crawled into bed that night and thought to myself I survived! A few moments of pondering later, I became a bit ashamed of myself. Hadn't I just had a spiritually glowing experience of the Lord changing my heart? And here I was, at the end of a Day consecrated to the Lord, and all I could say was I survived? That may sound a little harsh on myself, but it made me realize that I don't want any more days on my mission where all I have to report to the Lord is I'm okay, I made it back to bed. I've been called to do so much more than that. And He has promised me power beyond all I've ever had, if I'll dedicate my life and time to Him. It may still sound harsh, but this was supposed to be HIS DAY. A day in which I thought of others, did my best to uplift, and my thoughts had simply been of my own comfort, getting back to bed at night. I don't want another day where I sheepishly come before the Lord in prayer and say, "Yeah, sorry about that. It was kind of an off day." I only have 23 more months to serve like this, and not a day of that did God set aside for me to be lax and let things slide. It is my belief that every day the Lord puts before us opportunities to brighten the lives of others. I like the hymn, "Have I done any Good?" It reminds me a lot of missionary work, and the things the Lord promises me and expects from me every moment I've dedicated to Him.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
P day! Woot of the Woot. I got some letters from home, which brightened my day exceedingly, and emailed my family! We also finished up the initiatory work (all of it) that Elder Vanslooten had from his Grandma's entire tree. So now she has something to do. ;-) We did laundry, and will teach Zhou for the last time tonight. I don't know if he drops us, or if we get to imagine him living happily ever after, but by Heavenly Father's strength, this lesson will help him the rest of his life. And it may seem odd of me, and a little gungho (no idea how to spell that) to say these things about a made up person, but it's not made up. He is a real man that needs God's help. And if I don't take it seriously, then the Lord can't through me either.

My loving family, thank you so much for your prayers, your messages, and your yizhi (continual) support. I feel it all, and I love you so much. I hope you all have an amazing week, and that by the time next Wednesday rolls around, you'll have been able to read all of this. ;-)

Trust the Lord.

-Zhang Lao Meanea

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Apostles, Charity, and a Clever Title

It is hard to believe that Elder Meanea is half-way through his MTC stay this Saturday! He is so grateful for your love and support. 

My beloved Family!

What a week. Every week I spend here is truly a humbling and learning experience for me. Thank you all so much for the prayers and support that you are sending my way.

Thursday, August 4, 2016
We taught Ding again today. We usually teach one lesson a day at least, alternating between Ding and Zhou. We helped explain what our Purpose was in visiting Ding, since we hadn't really mentioned our purpose. It's so hard to teach these "Investigators" because they teach our classes and know what we're supposed to do in lessons with them. We also taught Zhou today, and I recited the First Vision to him in Chinese. There is so much power in Joseph's account. We challenged him to read the Book of Mormon and to pray about the truthfulness, so we'll see how that goes!

Friday, August 5, 2016
I made a goal today (after a little math) to write down five blessings a day that I see. And do it in Chinese. Therefore, if I stay faithful to it, by the end of my mission, I will have 3535 blessings written down in Chinese. I have so many blessings that I could see instead of being discouraged when things go wrong, or when I don't get my Chinese right. I did this because our learning time was really difficult, because the teachers only speak Chinese, and we have to try as well. I got really frustrated half-way through, and couldn't learn a thing. We had a small break, and I realized that I was going against my favorite quote. "Fear and Faith cannot occupy the same body at the same time." Frustration will never help me, and the Lord never wants it.

I found a pazelle in the MTC store!
Satuday, August 6, 2016
Wow. We had TRC today, and these are Chinese speaking Church Member volunteers that we go and teach lessons to. We had about seven minutes to prepare, but we got there, and both our investigators shared very spiritual experiences with us. We taught what we could, and both really appreciated our lessons. Ding also accepted Baptism today! We don't know when, but she accepted it!

Sunday, August 7, 2016
Again an amazing Sabbath. We had a Mission Conference because it was fast Sunday, which was very moving since one of our MTC presidency was released due to medical problems. Elder Potts was released as District Leader today. They replace them every three weeks. We had a special Choir practice to prepare for our devotional from President of UVU Matthew Holland. He gave a great devotional about Joseph Smith, and at the end we sang "Praise to the Man." I love our devotionals. During study time I went through the entire Topical Guide entry about Charity. Because that's the basis of our Work. Is to love our fellow man, enough to leave our homes and families, sacrifice our native language, and live to have the spirit so they can know Christ, for that is life eternal. My favorite scripture was Mark 12:30-31

30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
31 And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.
 I've been praying to love my investigators and District a lot this week. I know as I let go of myself and hold on to God, that I'll be more easily able to bear the burdens, and accept the blessings that God offers me.

Monday, August 8, 2016
Another lesson with Ding today. She was tired, but we got to help her understand the introduction to the Book of Mormon better, so it was a good lesson. 

A cardboard sword we built.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016
Elder Andersen gave our Devotional today! Yeah, that Apostle. Boom. I was so excited for the end, just so I could hear the testimony he is set apart to always bear, as a witness of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was really in our discussion after that I felt the Spirit, because we all bore our testimonies, and mine was of things I hadn't even though to share before I stood up. So many small blessings happen every day. I just have to see them.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
We went to the temple early and did some initiatory work for an Elder in our district's family. His Grandma gave him the password to her Family Search account, so we have a wealth of names. Hehehe...We then went back and I went on splits because half of us wanted to nap and the other half wanted to go to the gym. And by gym I mean gymnasium, not like muscle-guys and weight lifting. Apparently I give really good one-liners, because some of the Elders in my district are always bringing up something I said a week or two before. Who knows? I don't. We'll teach Zhou again tonight about the Atonement, and I hope we can connect with him again. 

Me at the Temple today.

P-day ramen so we could wait to get dressed longer.
Faith, not fear. I can't wait to talk to you all again next week! Keep praying, because I know God always hears you.

-Elder Meanea

Thursday, August 4, 2016

You Will Be Baptized

Hello my beloved Family!

It seems like a long time (6 weeks before Elder Meanea leaves the MTC), but I know I need the preparation, and I wouldn't be here if Shen (God) didn't have something for me to do. And Heaven knows I have a lot to learn before I step onto the rich brown soil of Taiwan.

Thursday, July 28, 2016
It was a slower, pretty difficult day for us. We taught a new investigator, Zhou (Joe), who goes to Buddhist study groups, has no professed beliefs or ambitions, and doesn't seem to really want us there. (For the sake of those at home, the "investigators" are teachers here at the MTC, and they play parts for us to teach to. It doesn't make it any less necessary to teach with the Spirit) I felt so useless because he didn't seem to want to hear any more at the end of the lesson, but we managed to schedule a follow-up one for Monday.

Friday, July 29, 2016
Ugh... 50% murph today. 50 pullups, 100 pushups, and 150 squats. Then two 1-mile runs. It's a thing these Elders from the Older district started from a crossfit program. My district wants to get it by the time we leave. Bunch of crazies. I received a transcribed copy of my setting apart blessing, and it was truly a blessing to me. I won't mention specifics, but the amount and power of the blessings that I have been promised by God himself was overwhelming to me. It makes me wonder how I could every deserve any of this, and gives me confidence to trust God more. Because of experiences I've had, not just here but at home as well, I know of God's love for me. And he isn't going to ask me to do something that doesn't elevate me to the highest plains of Celestial joy.

Saturday, July 30, 2016
We had Zone beach volleyball today. None of us are very good, but it's just a fun relaxation time. I also had my first TRC (Teach real converts) so church members who speak Mandarin volunteered to come in and be taught by us. We talked about Christlike attributes, and the lessons seemed to go pretty well, and we had the Spirit with us. We also have 3 additional hours of study time on Saturday in the evening, so part of my district joined with another to map out all of Jacob 5 on the chalkboard. Because that's what we do for fun in the MTC. ;-)

Sunday, July 31, 2016
I took the Sabbath so much for granted when I was home. It truly is a sacred day. Our sacrament was brilliant, with the group leaving for Taipei performing a special musical number about serving in Taiwan. We have some really talented people! Later we had our zone temple walk around the Provo Temple, and a district meeting (Sunday school) about repentance. It was all based on what repentance gives us. Look up "Repentance" in the Bible Dictionary. The definition wasn't what I expected at all! Then we had a great devotional and watched "Joseph" for our movie.

Monday, August 1, 2016
We had back to back lessons with Ding and Zhou. Ding accepted prayer, and praying with her family, but I botched the baptismal invite not once, but three times. Because in Chinese, to make a sentence a question, you put "ma" at the end. I forgot and she seemed confused. Because three times I TOLD her that she WILL ACCEPT BAPTISM. After the third time I apologized and actually asked her if she would accept it. Ah.....
But then the lesson with Zhou was so amazing! The first 15 minutes was a real struggle. We couldn't say anything meaningful, and he wasn't interested, but finally the Spirit moved me to bear my broken Chinese testimony to him about how I knew God loved me through prayer, and he actually seemed interested. The Spirit permeated the rest of the lesson and we are going to teach him again on Thursday. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so faith promoting for me.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
I love my family so much. I can feel everyone's prayers for me, all the time. I know God is uplifting me. Everything this week has been reminding me of my real purpose, and how I need to not only GO on a mission, but SERVE a mission. That was a quote from our Tuesday devotional. Every day I want to wake up and say, "Okay Tianfu (Heavenly Father), it's your plan, and I'm your servant. I trust you. And you can trust me. What do you want me to do today?" I know that as I learn to do that, my heart will be filled with the Spirit, immeasurable joy, and my mouth and mind will be filled with the words I need.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Amazing temple session this morning. I love getting to go there. Then we did some laundry and played some volleyball. It's become a favorite. Chinese is tough, but I'm learning more every day, and I know that I'll be helped. As for the food, to me it's always delicious. I'm sure I'll tire of it after another 6 weeks, but as for now, it's really good! I haven't gotten anything unduly cold or warm, and they serve Creamery ice cream today and Sunday, so that's a plus. ;-)

It has been a spirit filled, growing week for me. All I can do is trust God, obey him, and I don't know how, but he will bless me and all those I love with more comfort, strength, and power than we could ever imagine. I love you family, and I hope you'll also have another amazing week!!

-Elder Meanea