Monday, May 28, 2018

28 May 2018 - The Two Wu's

"In our lovely 台南市 where you'll never say "brrr",
Because we're all burning in the sun!"

(Copyright Elder Meanea 2018)

Monday, 21 May 2018
It was a good P-Day last week getting some groceries and stuff done. After that we had a member in the fourth ward invite us over for dinner, which was really delicious. I love seeing the strength of all these members in Taiwan and knowing that God truly cares for His children all around the world.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018
Today was Elder Bode's final Phase 1 pass-off! It's a program that helps us learn the language for teaching the missionary lessons, and we had a goal to get it done before training, and it happened! He was so happy. And we also had our final interviews with President Teh. It's so crazy that he'll be gone so soon. It was good, we talked about how to make the time we have left really count here in the mission field. Then I took Elder Cushing out on exchanges. He is the trainee of Elder Densely my old Comp from Puli, so it was fun to talk about shared memories.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018
We got up this morning and did some contacting. I stayed over in the other area, and then we met up for some service at the library that afternoon. That was super fun, but did cure me of my childhood dream of being a librarian. You almost have to hate books to work there, because you can't get distracted by them. Tonight was pretty cool. We went to the house of the drunk man we met last week, and he said he didn't have time right then, but that he wanted to come and see the church on Sunday. Small miracles! Then we taught some english class, which was really good.

Thursday, 24 May 2018
We taught an investigator named John this morning, he is an interesting guy. He is 19 and has already opened his own restaurant. He wants to learn more about God but also has very strong opinions on a lot of things. It's interesting teaching him, because I realize that the doctrines God has given us are not up for debate. These are restored truths He has given to guide our lives, they don't change, and we just decide if we are going to follow them or not. Tonight we went to Ward Council. It was nice to get our investigators and their situations in front of everybody. I think a lot of people want to help, they just don't usually know where to start. I'm grateful God has given us a way to work these things out for ourselves and have opportunities to serve each other.

Friday, 25 May 2018
This morning and afternoon were mostly studies and weekly planning. It's always a small miracle to notice those little ideas that come into your mind as you pray and ponder about what you can do to help your investigators. It really is a testimony to me that God plans for His children a lot more than we ourselves do.

Saturday, 26 May 2018
Cool surprise today. We just got home to do studies, and the sisters called us saying they had a "Mr. Wu" at the chapel who wanted to meet with missionaries, so we were out the door like a flash. We got to just across from the chapel, and a man rode by on a Moped staring at us. We waved and he turned around and came back. We said hi, thinking this must be the sister's guy. Sure enough we asked what his name was and he said "Mr. Wu" so we took him into the church, only to find the sisters and another man in there. We asked that guy who his name was and he said "Mr. Wu." So we all just kind of looked at eachother and we said "Alright, Wu Brothers, let's go sit in this classroom and talk about Jesus." So we had a lesson about the Restoration with both of them, and they didn't who each other was.

Sunday, 27 May 2018
It was a good sabbath! At first we were planning on about 7 people coming, and 5 of them fell through, but a member brought a friend and two of our investigators showed up, so that was super good! It was a very blessed Sabbath. That night we met with our investigator, Glenn. He said he really liked learning about Joseph Smith and how it could bless his life, it was super cool to get to teach him!

And like that, another week has gone by. This could be mine or Elder Bode's last week here in Tainan. Either way, I'll be very grateful for the time that I've been given here. It is a wonderful place full of wonderful people. I love you all.

-Elder Meanea

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