we'll tell all the people to smile today!"
(Copyright Elder Meanea 2018)
Monday, 19 March 2018
We had a very... very interesting P-Day. Some Elders told us of a zoo that they knew and wanted to take us to. We biked about a half hour out there and found out it was a place called the "World Snake King" (Hopefully everybody thought back to the movie Courageous) And when we got there we saw alligators, horribly poisonous snakes, monkeys and tigers. And a really cute little pig. Then after the festivities we went to the Bishops house and had a really good meeting about what we could do to continue lifting the ward. I've never worked with a bishop that wanted so much to lift his ward members and wanted our help. I think this is the beginning of an amazing stay in Tainan.
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When asked why cute little fluffy chicks were in a snakes cage, Elder Meanea said, "snakes get cold, obviously. They need cuddle buddies." ...We'll just go with that... |
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Most of today was Elder Bode's first zone conference on Island! It was really good, we talked about really going out and applying our faith and how we are not responsible for the outcome, but we are responsible for how much we put into it. I just can't comprehend the massive role that faith has to play in our whole lives. It is literally the power by which Heaven comes to our aid, so that seems like a kind of important thing to understand. It seems the more I learn about Faith, the more I learn I truly need to focus on strengthening what faith I have.
Wednesday, 21 March 2018
We had a good day of proselyting which ended up in us teaching English class tonight. It is the first time I've actually been assigned to teach an English class since Training. How times have changed. It went pretty well, and we met Jeff, who is a cool guy who comes into play later in this weeks story. I realize more and more everyday just how good of a place Tainan is. I'm so excited I hopefully get to spend the rest of my mission here. It's just so awesome!
Thursday, 22 March 2018
We ended up not having three lessons that we had scheduled today, so that was pretty dissapointing, but we still had faith by the end of the day, and while we were sitting in a Family mart after getting stood up, we started talking to a man sitting next to us who had a samurai sword. Obviously we had to talk to him, and come to find out that he was a devout Christian but never went to a set church because they all do things differently than in the Bible. Well did we have a message for him. He agreed to meet Sunday night to learn more, but didn't want to leave a phone number, so I had little confidence in him coming.
Friday, 23 March 2018
One of the people who stood us up yesterday was Sister Yang. We call her Golden because she is golden. She likes God and the Talmud and wants to learn more about our message on Families. So she called us up and apologized that she had to work the day before and couldn't come, and asked if we could meet right then! We ran on over to a park and sat down with her for about 40 minutes and explained the restoration. When we prayed, she said she felt like God heard her prayer. It was a great lesson and Elder Bode did great explaining the first vision.
Saturday, 24 March 2018
Our morning was taken up by a stake activity, a 5K! I felt just at home. It was a good little run. And Jeff our friend from English class came to the run. I was talking to some members while Jeff was practicing his English with Elder Bode, and Elder Bode just invited him to go to church the next day on the spot. He said yes! So that was a cool little miracle from my awesome Trainee.
Sunday, 25 March 2018
And he came! Jeff came today and seemed to have a pretty good time at church. The meeting was good and presented a lot more opportunities to get to know members. And then tonight we went to the lesson with the Samarai sword guy. I didn't think he was coming, but who showed up? Him! We had a great lesson and he agreed to meet again Monday night.
So it's been a really good week, always full of miracles and awesome things. I look forward to another one learning better how to have faith and repent, because these are the things that everyday bring me closer to Christ.
Have an amazing week my friends and family. Find the miracles and the joy!
-Elder Meanea
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