The day down is breaking, the fireworks awaking,
telling missionaries to get up and go work!
The island wide commotion from channel to ocean
will come to Taiwan in the beautiful day!
Monday, 3 April 2017
P-day. Yum. We emailed, then went and had lunch at the mall before we went to our "escape the room" activity. It was about $8 per person, and we had 45 minutes to figure out these rooms they put us in that were puzzles. We had buttons to push, codes to enter, and all such things. It was super fun. I don't have any pictures because they don't allow cameras, but it was a lot of fun! Then the rest of the night was contacting.
We had another lesson with Johnny today! We taught him about the Word of Wisdom, and talked about the baptism he attended. He said he had a really "Holy" feeling at the time, which is super good news. He also agreed to live by the Word of Wisdom. So cool stuff! Then we started exchanges late that night. I went with a Taiwanese Elder, Elder Xu. He is a really fun guy and really skilled as a missionary. I learned a lot just in one night with him.
Wednesday, 5 April 2017
All day on exchanges today. I got to teach a couple lessons with Elder Xu, then we had our exchange evaluation, where we talk about what we learned. He shared some great insights about being who the Lord expects us to be. We read about Captain Moroni, and how amazing he was, and he used that to compare to what kind of qualities we should have as missionaries. After exchanges we went to a restaurant that served it's food in toilet bowls. I don't know why, but I'll just let the pictures explain it. And yeah, it was pretty good. And no, Dad, you're not allowed to ask any questions about it. I already regret it enough as it is. In the 2 hours we had left that night to contact, we hit the streets, and led by Elder Jones, we managed to get 3 people to set up to meet with us, all within the space of a half hour. That is the best contacting I've ever done in my life. It was incredible.
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Sometimes we just don't ask :-) |
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Today was nuts. So busy. We went and had a lesson with Matthew, the RC, then ran right to district training meeting. It was about planning and working with members, and we got treats. Sure-fire guarantee to have a good meeting. Then we did a language pass-off for a sister in our district, after which Elder Jones also had to do a baptismal interview for the zone leader's investigator. They're doing really great! I think he's getting baptized this Sunday. He's crippled on one side of his body and is super humble and eager about the Gospel. Then we had to bike super fast to visit the Wang family. They are super cool! The mom was raised a member, but the dad was a convert about 6 years ago. Then before he had been a member a year, he went on a mission to Taipei. That's what I call converted. I was a member of the church for 18 years and I still didn't feel ready to go on a mission! And we also had one last lesson at the chapel that night, but he ended up not showing up, and on the way home we found that I had a flat tire, so we had to walk home from the chapel because all the bike stores were closed. And yes, Dad, you did teach me to fix a tire, I just don't have the tools! So, we were pretty exhausted when we stumbled in the door tonight. And then I opened an Easter package from my family, including a little daily reminder leading up to Easter, each with candy inside, so that was awesome as well!
Friday, 7 April 2017
And another exhausting yet highly productive day. After weekly planning. we went to the chapel for a lesson with Lin. He's an investigator who's just going around looking at churches, but he also brought his girlfriend this time. Our friend Eddy helped us with the lesson. It's always great to have his insight, and I think they were really helped by his explanations. Then we had interviews with President! They were actually pretty short. Just checking to make sure we haven't done anything illegal lately. It's always nice to get to visit with him, though. Contacting that night was super good! We stopped to talk to a guy who was carrying a kid around and waiting near his scooter. He was really willing and nice, and set up to meet with us next week and let us share this message! And while we were talking to him, two people we contacted earlier on the street that night brought us back food! So, obviously I thought it was great. Then we came home and opened a package Elder Jones got, which included two nerf guns... so I'll just let you guess how the rest of the evening went.
Saturday, 8 April 2017
ALL DAY CONFERENCE BABY! WOOT WOOT! Well, not much to write today since I spent the whole time sitting down, but I absolutely loved conference. Every last talk felt inspired and I got just the messages I needed. Then that night we went and had dinner with the Chen family. The father got baptized just right when I got here, and the rest of his family got baptized earlier last year, so they're all recent converts. We visited for a while, and they're just a super great family. It was super fun to get to know them a bit more. Also, Elder Jones and I aren't moving, so here's to the start of round 4 in Beitun! *Clinks glass full of wintermelon tea*
Sunday, 9 April 2017
Johnny and Alan both came to conference today! So they were there just in time to the "friends of the church" talk on Sunday Afternoon. ;-) I'll let you know how that went next week. Then that night the zone leaders had another baptism which we went to with Alan. That night we also had a lesson with the old couple we met a few weeks ago tracting, but the wife wasn't there. Chen, the husband was, and we shared the Restoration with him, but he wasn't interested in finding out if it was true or not. It was sad, but he can't forget the things we said, and the things he felt. Elder Jones and I did our part, and who knows? Maybe someday it'll come back to him.
Monday, 10 April 2017
Yeah, this is going to happen every transfer. Really messes up my groove. We had... an interesting day. After contacting in the morning, we went to the Chapel to meet with the rest of our zone and eat lunch since Elder Xu, our zone leader is going home. It was SO GOOD. For about 500 kuai each (roughly $16) had a full 5-course meal of the most delicious food. I included pictures, and yes, it all is as delicious as it looks. That afternoon we got the amazing opportunity to visit Mr. Lu. He is a very, very humble man, with a heart I feel has been prepared to hear this Gospel. At first we thought he was a Jehovah's Witness, but it turns out that he is just sort of investigating them. He was really interested in all we had to share about our church, and about God. He invited us to come back whenever we wanted to! It was great to visit with him. Then we had dinner with Daniel, who is going to BYU tomorrow! It was just a day full of goodbyes.
And that's my extra special long week here in Beitun. Whenever I get the chance to share the Gospel, it makes me so happy to see these people learn the truths that they've never had the chance to before. This is truly God's work, and I'm a part of it. I love you all, my dear friends and family.
-Elder Meanea
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