Now is the time to go!
We bike 'round fearlessly!
Who's one my island who?
(Copyright Elder Meanea 2017 PS I can't remember which ones I have and haven't done... so repeats are fair as long as they are different lyrics)
Monday, 17 April 2017
This was a day of revels and board games with the zone leaders and a haircut for me! For some odd reason, the Taiwanese style (or at least the one they try to give to the white guys) Is shaved everywhere except right on top, which looks ridiculous, so I learned just enough Chinese really fast to prevent this stylistic catastrophe. Then we went knocking some doors that night, and then it was home.
This was a day of revels and board games with the zone leaders and a haircut for me! For some odd reason, the Taiwanese style (or at least the one they try to give to the white guys) Is shaved everywhere except right on top, which looks ridiculous, so I learned just enough Chinese really fast to prevent this stylistic catastrophe. Then we went knocking some doors that night, and then it was home.
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Okay, so this is abstract, but I'm a firm believer in the liberality of the statement of Mormon when he says "I cannot induce a hundredth-part." So I like going through seemingly random verses in the Book of Mormon and wondering, "what were you thinking here, Mormon? What did you see that meant you needed to include this verse right here instead of the other 99 you could have put in?" Don't get me wrong, I'm not a conspiracy theorist that every verse has a secret meaning, I just know from Mormon speaking that absolutely every verse he put in has a purpose. And I like trying to figure out what that may mean, so that means I sometimes make crazy parables and comparisons to make sense of things. Thus it was with Alma 46:40. It just seemed a little out of place, so I wondered why we were talking about diseases and stuff. But it occurred to me that we all have "spiritual diseases" by the "nature" of our climate, IE fallen nature. And it talks about the excellent quality of plants that were prepared to remove the cause of the disease. It seemed to echo a lot of teaching about Christ about how, if we let Him, He can heal and change our hearts, thus removing the "cause" of our spiritual diseases. I don't know, I just thought it was cool. Hopefully somebody will read this and quote it in General Conference some day. And I write this mostly because not much happened today, but tomorrow is Zone Conference! Which we have no idea how to get to! So we'll check in with you tomorrow! Oh, I almost forgot, we met with Brother Lu again, and he is so great! We taught him about the Plan of Salvation and Baptism today, and he said he wasn't ready yet, because Baptism is a pretty big commitment, but I think he understands the Plan of Salvation, and we really felt the Spirit as we explained how important prayer is to him at the end of the lesson.
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Today was mostly taken up by a great zone conference! It was amazing how the entire content seemed to be aimed at questions and concerns I had brought to the meeting. I received a lot of needed guidance once I was personally done asking for blessings I thought I might have deserved and seemed right to me, and finally asked what it was God wanted to me do. Sometimes I feel like I know how missionary work "works" so I just ask Him for support in doing what I want to do, and don't actually seek His will in the way He wants HIS work done. There is a very, very big difference there. And it really changes my view on missionary work.
Thursday, 20 April 2017
We actually had a few lessons today! One with Allan, who keeps us informed on all the movies we need to go see when we get home, which is very kind of him. It also rained super hard for a total of about 5 minutes today. But at ten different times. Because Taiwanese weather does what it wants. Then we met with Matthew, the recent convert, who is doing remarkably well right now. And then tonight we went to visit a former named Brother Yang. He was a super nice guy, who actually has a son who was baptized a few years ago, but he's still not sure about it himself. But I really felt the Spirit in both his and Allan's lessons, and I feel like they can only push back against the things they feel so long. Both have been investigating for years, and I know every missionary that meets an Eternigator thinks "The time is now!" But I feel like somehow, even if it's not baptism, there are steps towards Christ that will be taken very soon. The missionary purpose that we memorized in the MTC is very focused on helping people progress towards baptism. but it starts out simply with "Invite others to come unto Christ." I'm sure I've already interacted with dozens of people who will one day enter the waters of Baptism. And sometimes that's your job as a missionary, to join the long line of people who help one person in their journey towards Christ. One part is not bigger than another. Like Ivy, who got baptized in my training area a week after I left. The Elders there at the time were just as much a part of it as I was, and the four sets of missionaries that taught her before I came along. The only way you can fail as a missionary is if you don't try at all.
Friday, 21 April 2017
Our day was mostly taken up with weekly planning. But we got to visit with two RC's, Matthew and Chris. And yes, Matthew is the one that we met with yesterday. But he wanted to meet again today, and he's still building a solid testimony, so we met. But I put my foot down when he wanted to meet again tomorrow. We'll see him at Stake Conference on Sunday, though. And then we ate dinner with Chris, who told us blonde jokes in Chinese, which was pretty funny. He is so cool, and helps with most of the lessons that we teach. Then the rest of the night was contacting. As for studies this morning, I loved reading again about the stripling warriors and their example of absolute trust in the Lord's promises. Even when 60 of them had fainted from loss of blood, they didn't doubt the Lord's promise that He would deliver them, and fought for their families and the families of their countrymen to the last drop of blood. There are no swords or guns in the war we wage today, but it is far more consequential than any war we've raged before. And it grows more and more real to me every time I step out the door and see the people, my brother and sisters, that Satan is trying to trick, trying to keep them from this, the message of their Father. It makes me all the more urgent to go and share it to them. Also, this Taiwanese rain is nuts. I was on a road at a stoplight. There was no rain and I biked over to talk to some people on the side of the road. Before I even got there, I heard a sound like unto an approaching army of bouncing ping-pong balls. Thousands of them. I looked forward in time to see a wall of droplets coming up the road, and three seconds later,I was absolutely and completely drenched. I'm sure if you took a picture of me at the time you could have turned it into a meme.
Saturday, 22 April 2017
In short, it rained all day and Brother Lu is moving to Tanzi next week. (IE not in our area.) #R3KD
Sunday, 23 April 2017
Okay, So my fists are a little bloody from punching the wall (because the wall started bleeding, not my hand) but I'm good now. You can probably understand it's a little frustrating. He is the only promising investigator we have, and while it obviously does not matter at all who teaches and baptizes people, but I just want to continue being part of his journey. He seemed like he was going to miss us, and we exchanged information. I promised to take him to Zion if he ever came to America. I hope he'll make it to the waters of baptism in this life, I really feel like he just might. Today was a really uplifting stake conference, where one of the 70, Elder Wong was present, and he gave a super fiery talk about listening to the prophet's words. I definitely feel like I want to go back and read all about it. It was a super great conference. Then we were invited to Brother O's house to eat chicken sandwiches and have root-beer floats. And then that night we found some nice people that will hopefully remember our boisterous attitude and our happy message of the gospel.
And well, dear family and friends, it's another week in the service of Christ. There isn't a better place to be. I can testify that there is a real and not just a sentimental power about the Atonement. It is a power paid with a incredibly high price. It becomes more and more apparent to me that we best not ignore what was so dearly bought for us.
I love you all, and wish you a peaceful week in service of the Savior.
-Elder Meanea