Monday, November 7, 2016

First Baptismal Service...Kinda

Hello my beloved family and dear friends! The title says about all of it, so we'll just get right into the week, shall we?

Monday, 31 October 2016
Nothing too special. We couldn't figure out how to go anywhere cool, so we just "chillaxed" at the apartment until it was time to hit the streets again and find some people to teach!

Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Today was a very special day for me. I don't think it would be appropriate to describe it in detail, but I just want to bear my testimony to all of you that, before this day, I knew about the Atonement. I knew who the Savior was. I believed in it. But today the Lord gave me a special gift, and I want to tell you I know who my Savior is. I know what He did for me. And I can feel His love, and the power of His Atoning sacrifice. I also know that we can all come to know Him better, and should, because He knows each one of us, He knows our faces, our fears, and our struggles. And He already felt them before we could. He is the Light of the World, and He is my Light. He is the reason I can go to Taiwan and preach to a foreign people, and love them all the same. I'm eternally grateful that God has helped me to see that, because I know that with that knowledge comes some of the greatest happiness we could ever feel. If I might, I want to extend the same invitation our mission president gave us if I haven't already. Take a Book of Mormon, and mark everywhere that has reference to the enabling power of the Atonement, and I know that you will grow closer to the Love Christ has for you.
Other than that, we had Zone Training Meeting, in which Elder Gasser and I gave a super awesome spiritual pump up about the Book of Mormon being our swords! Elder Gasser talked about in the Bible, David is on the run and in the temple, and asks a priest if he has any weapons. The Priest says, "Oh, just this Sword of Goliath back here. It's all we've got, if you want it, take it." David said, "There is none like unto it. I'll take it." (Paraphrase) I love the way Elder Gasser likened it unto the Book of Mormon, and how we don't have a tool like unto it.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016
First baptismal service today! Well, sort of. Right before English class we had a meeting, and the sisters said a student in our class was an investigator who still wasn't sure about getting baptized, so someone (still not sure who) decided that we could give a mock Baptismal service for our spiritual share after class. We did so, and asked for a volunteer, or rather volunteered this investigator. So Elder Gasser took her down in the empty font and mimed a baptism. It was pretty awesome! But also sad, because I'm getting moved to the little kid English class (Elder Meanea is getting moved to the little kid English class because his Chinese has improved and so he can help there). That should be some pretty good havoc. xD Today I also like how I studied about Amulek in the Atonement, and a part I never really understood. Mormon took a half chapter to explain the monetary system, and I never knew why, but I started paying attention more, and the Spirit taught me some cool stuff. Amulek himself says that before he was very wealthy, and rebelled much against the commandments of God. After, Zeezrom tempts him by offering a LOT of money (According to my dismally bad calculations, about $12,500?) And we know Zeezrom is a crafty guy. I don't think he would have offered a bribe if he didn't think it would work. And he's flabergasted when Amulek turns him down. Now, it doesn't say this, but it says earlier that Amulek was really wealthy. Could it have been that often before, he put his pursuit of wealth above the word of God? Could Zeezrom of known? But the important part is that Amulek had partaken of the Atonement, become new through repentance, and that which might have been his greatest weakness before, was made one of his strongest attributes. (Ether 12:27)

Thursday, 3 November 2016
Lots of contacting. Also, I love the Book of Mormon so much. I was reading about Alma and his mission to the Zoramites, and it says he blessed all his bretheren before they departed. I noticed in none of the blessings did he say, "Bless that he will avoid all the struggles and trials and persecutions." No. He said, "Bless them that they may be patient in their afflictions." I feel like Alma really understood the purpose of the plan of salvation. I'll let you dig the rest of that out for yourselves. ;-) (Alma 31)

Friday, 4 November 2016
Sam had his baptismal interview today! Which means if he comes to church Sunday, he'll be able to get baptized next Saturday! I'm so happy for him, and feel so blessed that my butt is sore for a reason. Even if we ride all day and find no one to listen to us, God blesses us in other, very tender ways. (Like a stronger backside?) Anyways... I also had my last Chinese pass-off! 1-5 with Elder Parker from Australia. (Aussy! Aussy! Aussy! Oi! Oi! Oi!) We also went out Tracting for my very first time today! Not much success, but it was cool to finally try. They are all pretty busy watching their TV's at 8:00 pm. I guess it's fair, they all freaking fly around the city on mopeds all day. They need to rest sometime. We also stopped by a fried dongxi stand. Where they have a lot of stuff laid out, you fill a basket, and then they dump it in a pot and deep fry it. So much MSG..... xD It was really good though!

Saturday, 5 November 2016
Lily came in today and said she couldn't come to church tomorrow, which means no baptism next week. :-( But I have faith that this is going to serve to strengthen her testimony, so she'll really be ready to make this commitment with the Lord. We had lunch with a ward in our building, and I can't describe all the delicious food I had. Oh.... just divine. We then had dinner with the Xie family, and left a message about Baptism with them.

Sunday, 6 November 2016
Sam came to church! Which means he's one step closer to Saturday! If I could ask, would you mind including him in your prayers? I know God's real, and Satan is too. And Satan doesn't want the joy this will bring to Sam. Also our golden friend Adam came! He's been texting us all week about how he prays every night and feels really good, and he loves to read the Book of Mormon every day. (Sits unbelieving as Golden investigator struts before us) We also had a lot of talking on the roads, and by Heavenly Father's blessing I'm getting better and better!

That's about it for this week of blessings, riding, talking, preaching, and bringing souls closer to my Savior. I love you all family, and hope that these letters can be of some strength to you all, because you're all such a strength to me.

- Elder Meanea

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