Monday, October 3, 2016

The Lord's Answer to a Prayer

My beloved friends and Family!
or rather, Wo ciai de jiating he pengyou.

This week has been another in which God has directed and shaped his little Elder Meanea to what he wants him to be.

Monday, September 26, 2016
We had P-Day, mostly just got stuff done around the apartment, and then we called some former investigators. Not much there except getting to contact my family!

Some great bread a member dropped off for us
(making Elder Meanea very happy)

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
So we got up, studied, and went out about noon to go do a language pass-off for me, where I teach a first lesson in Chinese all by myself. It was blowing pretty good when we started, but we made it. I passed! And then we got a call from a member who said the Taifeng (Typhoon) was only going to get worse, so we'd better get home. We made it, and only got almost blown over twice! So we were stuck in the apartment the rest of the day. That night we pulled out some salads that a family had brought to us from Costco. Apparently there's one right here in Kaioshung! I didn't know. But we couldn't go out to eat so we pulled them out, and they had 1800 kuai price tags! Which translates to about $60 dollars a salad! Wasai! We're going to make a very nice thank you note for them.
$60 Salad
Elder Meanea is pretty excited about the typhoon :-)
Elder Meanea showing us the rain, what til the end
and you even get a glimpse of Elder Meanea!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Half a Typhoon day. We had until 1:00 that we had to be inside because of the Taifeng. I got bored and read through about half of the Bible Dictionary. It's pretty good stuff! I love the definitions it gives to things like faith and repentance. Then we had English class, and a friend named Paul came! He is interested, and gave us a ride home afterward. 

actual fried rice
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Turned 19 today! We had a lesson where we got fenged (They didn't show), and then we went contacting in the park, and did some weekly planning! The Lord truly inspires us when we sit down with the best interests of our beloved brothers and sisters in mind, and tells us what will best help them. A lot of times Elder Gasser, my fantastic trainer, will ask my thoughts, I'll give them, and he had the same ones. 
Mango Bing (Ice) - a Birthday treat
Friday, September 30, 2016
Today was honestly a hard day. We went and weeded for a brother in the ward, which wasn't bad, and then we spent a few straight hours trying to contact people, with no success. We didn't have any investigators set up, and we needed some more. At the end of the day, I was just tired. We planned, and I went to bed.

Saturday, October 1, 2016
I woke up and immediately felt bad for having such a negative attitude at the end of the day. I asked the Lord to forgive me, which he did, but I was lost on how to progress. I was fed up with some of the mistakes I made in Chinese the other day, and I felt like I couldn't help these people at all. Of course Chinese was going to come, but it wasn't now! And I needed to teach and preach, and I didn't feel like I could. We started our fast at lunch, and said, "Heavenly Father. I am fasting for the gift of tongues. I can't help your children like this. I'm hindering them! In whatever way you choose, please let me receive this gift." We went to a lesson with some referrals that went alright, they weren't too thrilled about what we were teaching, but it was okay. Then we contacted for a bit, no luck, and then we went and visited Cai, our recent convert. We talked about Christ and how He's helped him. And then in the middle of the lesson, Cai looked at me, and said that watching me struggle with my Chinese, knowing that I had a testimony of Christ to come learn Chinese helps him better believe in Christ. That was the gift of tongues. It's not my magical understanding of Chinese, it's testifying of Christ, just doing my best to be like him. That was amazing. I realized I have an extremely short time to show my testimony by my struggles, it's a way in which God works miracles. Faith doesn't come from miracles, miracles come from faith. I'll never forget the day the Lord answered my prayer for the gift of tongues. 
Elder Meanea's study area
Sunday, October 2, 2016
I actually understood a lot in Church today! It was great. Thanks to the Spirit it's getting better and better. We ended the fast with our lunch there, I have no idea what I ate, but it was delicious. Then we did studies and contacted for a while. 

Side notes: In Sherlock where they have the episode about the Chinese smugglers, he says the guy is called "Jee Jew" the spider. It is actually pronounced "Jerjew" thank you very much. And also, Cai says my nose looks like Tom Cruise's nose. So that's good!

I hope you all have an amazing week!

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