(Copyright Elder Meanea 2017)
Monday, 13 February 2017
So, we emailed today, and then thought that we were going to go do something super fun and cool at the mall near the chapel, Well, we actually just ended up kind of walking around and looking at sporting goods stores, because that's what the elders we were with were interested in... we split after a few minutes and just kind of wandered around Taichung. Then we got home in time to start proselyting at 6:00. Sure we didn't do anything too cool, but a break is always a break, and I got to talk with my family, so what more can I ask for? Also, I saw my first public trash can in Taiwan!
Tuesday, 14 February 2017
This morning was BOSS. (It's been a while since I've said that) Anyways. We met with our busy business friend Ding, who actually was able to sit for 20 minutes this time, but stayed talking with us for 30! I feel like he really has some interest in understanding why it is we come here and do what we do. And then we actually got 3 numbers this morning from people who were willing to set up! And then we ran into some ward members who gave us cookies and fruit! Yes! Score two for the white guys of Taiwan! Then we had a fun time eating with a bunch of other Elders near the chapel. I get to see Elder Van Slooten a lot since I've been up here. He seems to be doing well, and he has a super cool companion, Elder Giles. Elder Giles and Elder Burge were actually companions in the MTC, so it's fun for him to see them too. Then we were contacting all night!
Wednesday, 15 February 2017
So, with this new schedule, we start personal study right out of bed. It's a good way to wake up, and it prolongs how long I can have a blanket wrapped around me, even if I am sitting in my chair. But the point is, I started reading the Book of Mormon again today, and the study topic is "Hope." Number 2 in the Christlike Attribute study series. Just starting the introduction and the testimonies was super cool, because everything about the Book of Mormon promises hope. It's for the gathering of Israel, preparing for the joy of the second coming, and promises the reader to bring them closer to God. A few months ago, we were challenged to use the Book of Mormon more emphatically in our missionary work, and just reading this morning made me see why. I'm not sure I can convey exactly how I feel, except to say the Spirit truly speaks to me through the Book of Mormon, and brings comfort to my soul every time I sincerely read it. Otherwise, it was all contacting today, until this evening, when we went to English class to see if anyone was interested in meeting with us, and talked to one of my favorite old guys in Taiwan, named Anthony. He's been hanging around the chapel, unbaptized for about 30 years, just going to English, but he offers to go buy us "popcicle" using his broken English every time we see him.

Thursday, 16 February 2017
A baptismal interview for the Zone Leader's investigator today! She is a really nice lady from Mainland China. Then we went back home for a while to get our morning routines done, and met with the Dakeng Elders for lunch at a Curry Rice place. We get free passion fruit juice every time we go there, so that's cool. The guy who runs the place has probably seen missionaries coming in for generations. After, we had a district meeting that went pretty well, talking about how we can improve our areas and work better in them, and then it was mostly contacting. I actually had a cool experience today. We were making calls in a 7-11, and were about to leave. There had been a guy sitting next to us the whole time reading an English newspaper and looking up stuff on his phone (he was Taiwanese) and I had the feeling I should talk to him, so I started a conversation with him, and it turns out he has a few Christian friends, and he was really curious about Christ being our Redeemer. He lives in the other elder's area, but it was really cool to give him a chance to learn more of Christ.
Friday, 17 February 2017
The missionaries with a plan! A weekly plan, that is! We actually gained an investigator this week because that cool guy named David set up to meet with us again! After planning, we went out contacting on the road, and were just walking along, when a former investigator, the one named Jeff came up on his scooter. We actually dropped him last week because he stopped answering our calls, so I had a brief hope that we might again persuade him to join the Jedi order, but he actually just very awkwardly told us that he didn't want religion, baptism scared him, and basically doesn't want to hear any more about it. So... we lost him. Again. But Elder Burge said something really cool. He said that even if people drop us now, they'll never be able to forget the things we taught them, and they'll still be there someday when they realize they need it. Otherwise, we just went and ate hot pot with the other missionaries at a place that had free all you can eat ice cream! So lots of happy Elders!
Saturday, 18 February 2017
Not much to report on today. We got stood up for a lesson this morning, so we were out to all day contacting! Woot woot. Ah well, at least tonight when we were calling people, we got a couple people set up to come to church, and someone to come to a special fireside activity our sisters have put together for our Ward about the Restoration. We actually have a testimony part in it, which will hopefully go well. I think this fireside is a pretty cool idea, sharing the message of the restoration in a new and interesting way. I just hope people show up!
Sunday, 19 February 2017
Well, our old man friend Anthony showed up after church, but at least we got to talk to him for a while. Then Elder Burge got to do an interview for the sister's investigator, a 10-year-old that's getting baptized on Friday! So that's cool. We then had studies and went to Brother O's house, the American, who fed us burgers and Tim-Tam Slams. A Tim Tam slam is when you bit both ends off of a Tim Tam (a chocolate biscuit) and have a glass of hot milk, and you suck the milk up through the Tim Tam and then eat it when it all melts inside. It was SO GOOD. And then we went to a fireside that the sisters and the ward put together for the restoration. It was pretty interesting.
And that was my week! It's been pretty good, and as always, I'm grateful for the experiences God has given me. This mission has done more for me than I think I could ever repay my Father in Heaven for. I see so many blessings here, more than I have words to count. I love you all, and pray our Father in Heaven will help you all find ways to share this beautiful message with His Children that surround you.
-Elder Meanea